Socks are the Ready, Player One colourway from Must Stash Yarns
As I’m writing this it really does feel like the perfect spring day, cool but with beautiful bright sunshine and vivid green leaves starting to show on the trees. After being under Covid restrictions for such a long time it does feel as though we are more than ready for spring this year, and that stepping out into the bright spring sunshine is symbolic on more than one level.
But with this new-found freedom goes a plea for going gently. Not everyone is in the same place with this. Some people plan to change nothing and stay shielding for now. For some people, the restrictions of the past year are something that they live with on a permanent basis – for them, there is no ‘return to normal’. Some people are raring to go.
We are all navigating our way through this. But no matter how anxious/scared/nervous you are feeling please spare a thought for our shop owners and their staff. Not only are they navigating their own feelings but they are trying to stick to the guidelines as best they can and to keep both themselves and their customers safe.
A friend of mine, a local café owner was devastated today when a customer left a stinging Trip Advisor review – slating perceived shortcomings in their system. It was a misunderstanding that could have been easily sorted out with a short conversation. Instead they took to social media to vent their views and caused a lot of public upset instead.
There’s not much point having #BeKind in your social media profile if you are ‘that person’ haranguing a poor café owner about their napkins.
The next few weeks and months are going to be hard enough as it is. Please spare a thought for those business owners who are thankfully still in business and let’s try to keep them there.