Have A Go Friday

It's OK, I just made that up but I thought it might be a nice change from FO Friday.

If there's one thing I could tell knitters (well, all crafter's really) it's just to have a go at something.

I often get comments from people saying they are fearful of trying a new technique or scared to experiment and that makes me so sad.

It's literally just sticks and string, if it doesn't work - and believe me this little square took a few goes - then just pull it out and you are back where you started.

For this square I tried out the tutorial by @germandercc for a solid (or semi solid) granny square and was pleasantly surprised at how quick and straightforward it was.

I'm planning to take part in her blanket CAL but I need to get a move on and make a decision about whether I'm going to do granny stripes or squares - and indeed whether I have enough DK yarn in my stash (I suspect I know the answer to this one).

What about you? Is there one thing that you are planning to have a go at this weekend? Is there one thing that you've always wanted to try and would like to? If so, why not take a step towards doing that one thing - even if it's just finding out more about it, or looking up a resource or two.

What's the worst that could happen?