A woolly pile of potential. 1000m Wendy Ramsdale wool
I had such grand plans for Wovember this year. I was going to Knit All The Things. I was going to write a series of wonderfully witty and entertaining blog posts to accompany it. Did I do any of these things - no I did not.
Never mind though, as I was consoling myself with an entertaining rummage through my stash - my favourite way to cheer myself up - I came across nearly 1000m of a long discontinued Wendy Ramsdale 100% wool.
It was clearly A Sign that a woolly cast on was needed.
I haven’t decided on a project for this yet - options range from a simple sweater to a lap blanket but I thought I’d host a very loose and informal KAL for this over in the Everyday Knitter Facebook group. No rules and no knitting police. Just pick a project (or a WIP) and join in with your 100% wool project.
See you there maybe?