A different kind of social summer

It’s quite common for people to take an Instagram break over the summer, and there are definitely years that I have done just that. Getting back into it in September is always a real barrier though and it can take a while to build up momentum again.

This year I thought I would buck the trend and do something a little bit different - I’m going to go random and post a photo a day - just snippets of my summer. Memories I want to save and things that have made me smile. No pressure, no strategy, no curation or filters. Just happy snaps.

Kind of like how we all posted in 2015/2016 when the biggest decision we had to make was which filter to apply - I was always an F2 girl if you were wondering.

I’ve decided to start with a 30-day challenge to myself and I’ll see how it goes. It might make my Instagram grid look a little weird but does anyone even look at the grid anymore? Probably not.

In terms of writing and more in-depth content then my Substack publication is where it’s at. I’m going to be focusing more on my community there as it’s honestly such a friendly and supportive place to hang on.

Whereas once I would find myself opening Instagram multiple times per day and scrolling stories I now find myself popping into Substack and chatting with people on Notes.

Eyes down for a substack summer: blog post

If you are a Substack reader please do pop over and say hi, and if you aren’t maybe I could tempt you to take a peek. It’s not at all scary I promise and there are tons of fabulous writers (and quite a bit of knitting content too).

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