A summer timewarp

Finally, we have some cooler weather here after 3 days of blisteringly hot (39/40C heat) and I can’t describe the joy I felt this morning at having a shower and standing in a cool breeze from the open window. Something definitely happens to my brain after 30C and I lose the ability to think rationally or to plan anything. My brain seems to go into hot weather survival mode and thinking about anything beyond immediate needs is just something I can’t do.

Sitting with a cup of coffee, an open laptop and coherent thought for the first time in weeks is a lovely experience but also slightly bewildering. We seem to have catapulted straight into summer holiday season with no warning and zero preparation. A combination of being a Covid house for 10 days followed by the UK’s 40C heatwave has totally thrown out all of my careful plans.

I feel as though I need to regroup, rethink and try to get some sort of a plan in place for the next 6 weeks and all the things that need to happen for the usual family summer stuff - including a much awaited (and repeatedly postponed) trip to Greece that I haven’t even thought about buying/packing for yet.

I was going to start my Summer of Books and Yarn on 22 July - when our schools break up here - but as the end of the week is approaching with terrifying speed I will be moving this back to start on Monday 25 July.

I need time to get my ducks in a row and at present they are drunk and at a party.

I also need to regroup on the knitting front too. During the hot weather I was working on a crochet granny square blanket which I’d like to get finished and then I can turn my thoughts to my next knitting design. I have a few in the pipeline but all seem to have stalled. Hopefully if the cooler weather continues I can drag these out and assess in the cold (cool) light of day.

For now, I think I’ll just sit and enjoy the cool breeze while I put my crochet blanket together.

If you’d like to join my #SummerOfBooksAndYarn there’s a link to sign up for the prompts below - and you’ll also get a discount code for 50% off any of my shawl or cowl patterns.