A Friday FO

It isn’t often that a Finished Object coincides with a Friday but here we are with a genuine FO.

A combination of illness and a super addictive project - thank you to Amy van de Laar and the Ravelry Giftalong - meant that this Beeswax Hat practically flew off the needles.

Just complex enough to hold my attention, but intuitive enough that my sleep deprived brain could follow along. It was perfect knitting from start to finish.

I enjoyed it so much that I also bought and cast on the matching Beeswax Shawl - so I’m sure there will be photos of that along shortly too.

If you haven’t heard of the Ravelry Giftalong please do check it out. It’s a week long 25% discount sale from nearly 300 designers - covering 1000s of their selected patterns. Far more than a sale though, it’s a whole community. There is a Giftalong Group on Ravelry with KALs, competitions and much more running through to the end of the year.

You can find the mega bundle with all the sale patterns here

And you can find my bundle here

If you do join in please do wave and say hello - and more importantly do let me know what you are knitting. I’m nosey like that
