5 things I love about knitting
The alternative title to this was ‘A love letter to knitting’ and also ‘Knitting lasts longer than friends’
Seriously though I don’t think I’ve ever had a friendship last as long as I have had a relationship with knitting. I’m not one that makes friends easily at the best of times and as a card carrying introvert I often prefer the company of my needles to others.
I do love a good catch up with friends over coffee, don’t get me wrong but I’ve never been great at maintaining friendships over time, as people and circumstances change.
Over the years I have often felt as though is a bit of a character flaw of mine - the fact that, unlike others I’m not in touch with any of my childhood friends, or people I was at Uni with, or worked with in various jobs and places over the years. But it took the pandemic for me to realise that actually, I’m OK with that.
The people around us and friendships that arise from that are constantly changing and evolving - and that’s probably a good thing.
Goodness me, that got a bit deep didn’t it? This was intended to be a light hearted look at why knitting holds such a firm place in my heart. So in that spirit and with tongue firmly in cheek may I present
5 things I love about knitting:
Knitting doesn’t demand that you make conversation with it
You can ignore it for months at a time and it won’t sulk
Knitting will forgive you if you shout at it
Knitting will do it’s level best to stretch to accommodate your needs
Knitting will always be there for you, no matter what
What about you - what do you love about knitting that you can’t get from others? Do let me know in the comments.