Excited for October

Wearing the BOB Socks

Happy 1st October. And I'll say 'white rabbits' for luck too.

Blimey - the weather has certainly taken a turn hasn't it? The rain was absolutely lashing it down outside yesterday as I curled up to do all of my writing jobs. Hot coffee and cosy socks were definitely the order of the day.

I find I work best when I batch jobs these days and for some reason Friday has become my writing day - when I sit down to do my newsletter, my draft blog posts for the coming week and any other bits and pieces, along with usual daily journaling.

I'm taking part in #Blogtober this year - and while I might not manage a daily blog post my aim is to spruce up my blog a little and more importantly to connect with others in the blogging community.

If you are taking part please do let me know - or tag someone you know that is so that I can follow them and cheer them on too.

It's also #Socktober of course so expect lots of sock related content this coming month.

If you have any burning sock related questions that I might be able to help with please do let know.

Oh, and of course there's my self-imposed reading challenge for 2022.

I'm currently stalled on book 43 of my 50 goal so I do need to make a little progress. I'm enjoying my current read - a historical fiction novel "The Girl in the Glass Tower" by Elizabeth Freemantle but it's a bit heavy going, especially when I'm tired.

So I'll be looking for a lighter, quicker read to power through this weekend and give me a bit of a boost.

And there we are: blogging, sock knitting, reading goals (oh, and a couple of new designs)... I think we can safely say that October is going to be a busy one ☕☕☕