Creativity with nowhere to go

Snapshots of March 2021

Snapshots of March 2021

I keep having the same feeling I used to have as a young child. Desperate to do something creative, I would follow my mum around the house. “What can I draw?” was my constant question.

I felt a strong urge to create something, but I had no idea what. And my mum being busy with the house and siblings wasn’t in the best place to help.

Looking back, that changed somewhat once my Nana taught me to knit. For those years before I discovered ‘going out’, knitting was a really valuable creative outlet at a time when I didn’t have many other ways to express myself.

Now, after a year of living under Covid restrictions. I find myself thinking very similar thoughts. Desperate to create something, to come up with something new or exciting. I find myself wandering around the house, picking things up and putting them down. Opening the laptop to write…and then closing it again. Nothing seems to scratch the creative itch as it were.

Partly I’m suffering from a lack of meaningful downtime – as we all are. And partly I think it’s just a lack of inspiration. There are only so many times you can look at your own four walls and as someone who normally takes a lot of inspiration from the natural world, it’s been hard to have that removed.

What will happen when the lockdown is released and we can suddenly do all the things and visit all the places. Will there be a creative surge, with all those untapped ideas suddenly all fleeing the nest at once? Or will it be a slow trickle as I gradually learn how to be creative again.

Or, horror, will there be nothing left? Just a whizened shell where my creativity used to live.

I suspect that the truth will probably lie somewhere in the middle. I’m hoping that with the careful application of some fresh air and a change of scenery – and yes, bribery with cake – my creative self can be persuaded to play out again.

Partly as an antidote this and partly to persuade myself that I have actually done things during the month I started to create monthly collages of snapshots. I used to do this regularly, back in the day on Instagram but I’ve sort of got out of the habit. It was a surprising amount of fun though - and helped to reinforce that I have actually achieved things, despite living through the weird concertina time warp that is Covid.