Why are we here?

A slightly more existential question than you usually find on a knitting blog, so please bear with.

The thoughts behind this blog post arose from a chance conversation on Instagram with @ofsimplicity, who was asking a simple question of her Instagram followers - “Why are you here?” And some of the responses were just so moving it prompted me to think a little bit more deeply about Instagram and how perhaps our use of the platform has changed over the years.

I joined Instagram years ago, back in the day when it was all about the filters, vignettes and fancy borders. Your feed was chronological and you could happily scroll through in a morning looking at what everyone else in your time zone was up to.

A far cry from the heavily curated feed we see today. Filters are still very much there (although much more subtle) but still images have been crowded out by video/Reels and a lot more content competing for attention. It feels like a much noisier place than it did, ‘back in the day’.

However, I’m still there.

For me (and I suspect, many others) Instagram isn't just a platform and I have way more invested in it, emotionally than I do with maybe Twitter or Facebook. Twitter is a fun place to hang out for a bit but, to be honest I often go there to have a moan about something - and being around lots of other people also venting in a similar manner can deplete my energy reserves pretty quickly.

In contrast, Instagram is home to some wonderful supportive friendships. People that I have connected with there and remain good ‘insta pals’ to this day. Human connection is ultimately why we use the app, and why, Reels notwithstanding, I don’t think that Instagram is going anywhere although the way we use it might change a little.

Without Instagram for example, I probably wouldn’t be taking part in Blogtober - and writing this post in the first place. I wouldn’t have set myself a challenge to read 50 books this year without being inspired by the various Bookstagram accounts that I follow. And I don’t think I would be as inspired to create some fabulous new autumn designs if it weren’t for the daily dose of gorgeous hand dyed yarn content that I see served to me alongside my morning coffee.

For all of my dislike of the present format, starting my day without at least a little scroll through Instagram is unthinkable. It's part of my routine along with coffee and cat cuddles.

How about you - are you still there and how do you see your use of the platform changing? Drop me a line in the comments or come and say hi over on Instagram - @LouiseTilbrookDesigns