Journaling for Creatives

28 days of journaling prompts to unlock your creativity and boost your confidence


This e-book is for you if:

You’ve ever felt as though you aren’t a creative person, or that creativity is something that is for other people.

Often these feelings and thoughts start when we are very young - often at school - when we are told that we ‘aren’t good at art’

But I firmly believe that everyone has the ability to be creative - and that mindset is everything.


Were you told at school that you weren’t ‘good at art’ …

… or that you weren’t creative? Phrases like this were part of my childhood and led to me firmly pegging myself as a ‘science type’ all the way through school and into my early 30s. Even though I fell in love with handcrafts in general – and knitting in particular – I always told myself that I wasn’t really creative. That I was just following someone else’s pattern.

Over time, through journaling I came to realise that being creative is inherently part of us, whether we realise it or not. We all have the capacity to create and journaling can be a simple but powerful tool for changing patterns of thought and behaviour.

Using a daily prompt for journaling has really helped me to develop my own creativity practice and I’ve developed this series of 28 daily prompts to be able to share this practice with you.


What’s included…

Introduction & background

  • Why journal and what can it do for me?

  • Forming habits

  • 28 day motivational tracker

28 journaling prompts

  • Designed to be completed daily

  • Doodle and free-writing pages

This e-book is perfect for…

✧ Anyone wanting to get into a journaling habit

✧ Those who’d love to be more creative

✧ People who get excited at the thought of a new notebook

This e-book isn’t about…

✕ Art journaling

✕ Having great artistic ability

✕ Journaling the ‘right’ way

frequently asked questions


what is included?

You are buying a 45 page PDF designed to be printed out and used to support your journaling practice.

The daily prompts are self-guided and you work through them at your own pace.

is the PDF editable?

No, it’s designed to be used as a standalone printable.

how will this benefit me?

This e-book is perfect if you have often wanted to start journaling but have no idea what to write or find the idea of a blank page intimidating.

is there an associated course or facebook group?

Not at the moment. If there is sufficient demand then I would be happy to host a Facebook group for this at a later date.

 Ready to get started?