Louise Tilbrook Designs

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A different way to knit socks

How to knit a sock snake: tutorial

You’ve tried cuff down and toe-up socks, so what’s next.

How about knitting a sock snake?

A couple of years ago now I published a tutorial on how I knit a sock snake - a long tube with a toe at each end, that I snipped in half to add cuffs and afterthought heel and it generated a surprising amount of interest.

You can read the original post along with step by step instructions HERE

But why would you choose to do such a thing?

First of all it’s important to start by saying that necessity is the mother of invention. I was knitting a sock on a train journey. A pretty long journey. I had podcasts, I had coffee and snacks and I had a fun stripy sock to knit. It’s fair to say that I was in my happy place. Partway through my journey I realised that I had zipped way past the point at which I would normally start the heel and has essentially created a very long foot.

I was determined not to rip back all the pretty stripes I had had such fun knitting and so I spent the rest of the journey working out how I could create a pair of functional socks from a long tube - and this was the result.

Would I choose to do this as a default method? Probably not, but it was a cunning plan that served me well and I share it with you in the hope that one day, it might help you too.

Side note: if knitting socks where the stripes are in a particular sequence, the socks will not match but will instead be opposites with the stripes going in one direction on one sock and in the other direction on the other. I just mention it in case it’s the kind of thing that would bother you.